This Blows!
Our snow this winter has been pathetic—there's been none to speak of since early January, and the ground is looking dry and brown. Why did Virginia take all our snow? They don't even know how to enjoy it.
Back around New Year's Day, when we did have significant snow, we bought a snowblower. It is a gas-guzzling beast. It's terrible. We have a really long driveway, but still. You can blame me for at least four polar bears drowning.
It weighs 300 pounds. We needed to get it from the back of the pickup truck onto the ground, about a three foot drop. The morning after the last big snowstorm, the process went something like this:
Rod: Are you sure you can lift the back of this thing?
Me: Yeah, no problem.
Rod: Really? If it's too heavy I can ask one of the neighbors to help, or build a ramp or something.
Me: I am wicked strong. I lift weights.
Rod: How much weight do you lift?
Me: Like, 30 pounds. Sometimes 40.
Rod: Um...
Me: C'mon, it's cold!
Rod: Okay, on three. 1...2...3...
The snowblower went from truck to driveway in 0.2 seconds. Thankfully the snow broke its fall, and nothing's amiss as far as we can tell.
In other news, isn't our new layout so fancy?